The Honorable Walter Goldberg Wayman
May 30, 2020
Patrick André P.
Sometimes being wealthy is just not enough, and what better method to satisfy one's greediness than lending out money at over-the-top rates. Dr. Walter Goldberg Wayman, besides being a dentist, is following in Shylock the Jew's footsteps and became one of Costa Rica's renowned usurers, with a list of more or less prominent clients, on which appears also the name of infamous lawyer Jorge Arce Lara. At the Preliminary Audience some interesting details emerged: the many hundreds of thousands of dollars Goldberg lent out to Arce Lara with annual rates over forty percent, were transferred from a Panama account, which considering the 'Panama Papers Affair' raises some obvious questions. Guarantee for those generous loans to his client and friend Jorge Arce Lara were mortgage certificates, which had been issued illegaly by attorney Arce Lara, such defrauding his many expat clients who trusted him. Goldberg of course pretends he knew nothing about these criminal machinations. We the victims have proof that this is a lie and that Golberg indeed was some kind of Arce Lara's accomplice, being well aware of his charades, even though maybe not in all details. What stunned us victims at the Preliminary Audience is how Walter Goldberg Wayman attacked us victims and felt very comfortable sitting side by side with his client friend Jorge Arce Lara. Should Goldberg really have been cheated by Jorge Arce Lara, why then not turning against him instead of the victims? Doesn't make sense. Also, Goldberg's lawyer, in a weird intent to distract from the unholy cronies, accused a victim of tax evasion. Well, Panama is not specially famous for its climate or cuisine, but for other convenient advantages wealthy people from around the globe are (maybe not anymore ...) enjoying.
Categories: Usurer, Money Lending, Panama Papers, Tax Evasion, Criminal Machinations, Unholy Cronies
Tags: Walter Goldberg Wayman, Shylock, Jorge Arce Lara, Usury, Usurious, Predatory Lender, Loan Shark Lender, Prestamista