
The Honorable Construction Companies of Costa Rica

June 26, 2021

Image of the Tower of Babel, metaphor for the hubris of Costa Rica criminal construction companies Meco and H. Solis

Francis C.

Here we go again: Let's plunder the state coffers and our Costa Rica co-citizens who enjoy over 25% unemployment, soaring inflation and increasing poverty! A big corruption pothole has been uncovered, this time with public officials and politicians who allied with construction company MECO and H. SOLIS and others, who allegedly gave them money, cars, land and even sexual favors so that they would reward them with road work contracts. This theft of public funds is huge, but only one criminal case in a long line of corruption affairs at the core of Costa Rican society. The last five scandals called "Rocha Fronteriza", "Cementazo", "Fiscal Hole", "Yanber" and the actual case "Cochinilla" named after a parasite insect amount to a total damage of 1,1 trillion colones, the currency of Costa Rica, which corresponds to a USD $1,750 billion IMF loan Costa Rica received to balance its fiscal deficit. So far 30 people have been arrested, mainly owners, managers and officials, but as the judicial system in Costa Rica showed again and again, only few of them will go to jail. Most will continue to live a lavish life, conveniently confined to their luxury homes and enjoying their booty, such incentivising future criminal activities. Welcome to the illegal merry-go-round! And if you think only construction companies bidding for public funds are shady, you are wrong. Private construction company DECISA with its owners and managers Oscar Rozados and Federico Matamoros cheated on expat investors, abandoning half-finished developments and stealing millions from Social Security. And PIASA Consultores construction company's CEO Mauricio Arce Lara seems to be deeply involved in his brother Jorge Arce Lara's ponzi scheme, who is indicted on 17 counts of fraud, allegedly stealing more than $5 million from expats. So watch out if you're planning to contract a Costa Rica construction company: you are entering a notorious minefield ...

Categories: Construction Companies Costa Rica, Costa Rica Corruption, Cochinilla Costa Rica

Tags: Meco, H Solis, Decisa, Piasa, Piasa Consultores, Piasa Constructora, Mauricio Arce Piasa, Oscar Rozados, Federico Matamoros, costa rica construction, costa rica corruption, cochinilla