
Jorge Arturo Arce-Lara, Open to Scam?

November 19, 2021

Hubert A.

#OPENTOWORK? #OPENTOSCAM? Jorge Arturo Arce-Lara, whose correct name is Jorge Arturo Arce Lara without dash and who is a Costa Rica attorney indicted on 17 counts of fraud, pillaging millions of dollars from national and expat clients, is on bail since 2014 - yes, you read well, since 2014 or seven years and count - due to the flaws of Costa Rica's notorious judicial system. And while on bail, Jorge Arce Lara is mocking his victims as well as the judiciary begging for new clients on LinkedIn. And LinkedIn happily makes available to Arce Lara their apparently so serious platform, though enough information is on the internet about the criminal activities of this infamous lawyer. And what a university is "Universidad Técnica Nacional" (National Technical University) which supposedly gave him a seasonal professorship in "philosophy and ethics". Ha! How weird is that!! If true, Jorge Arce Lara hid his true background to this university or they shamelessly made the goat to the gardener, scamming every single student believing this guy is truly competent to teach them "ethics". Jorge Arturo Arce-Lara reminds of infamous Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff, with the difference that Madoff had not the chance to spend many more years to pursue his criminal activities. This is what makes Costa Rica gangster's paradise!

Categories: Jorge Arturo Arce-Lara, LinkedIn, Universidad Técnica Nacional

Tags: Jorge Arce Lara, Bernie Madoff, Ponzi Scheme, White Collar Criminal, Costa Rica Crime, Costa Rica Justice, Costa Rica Expats, Costa Rica Attorney, Costa Rica University, Costa Rica